
•    User friendly operation with our new capacitive clear touch screen
•    Easy icon driven menu and functions
•    Simple navigation
•    Available in different fan output variants 6A / 10A / 0-10V
•    Easy to install



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New Bravo Touch

The new generation BRAVO TOUCH, equipped with a touch screen, can be perfectly applied to all types of ventilation and heating or cooling purposes in today’s livestock industry. BRAVO TOUCH combines climate control with ease and simplicity. 


The BRAVO TOUCH offers the flexibility to work with different types of ventilation designs. It supports 0-10V or integrated TRIAC control for ventilation equipment with or without dampers and air inlet control. 

Set heating and/or cooling equipments such as gas heaters, cooling pads, floor heating/cooling systems or air conditioning equipment, not just before or after the fans run at minimum or maximum capacity, but whenever you please. Optimize settings over time for maximum production results at minimum energy costs!

Sensor inputs

Add temperature sensors in and around the house and the BRAVO TOUCH will continuously adjust control outputs to maintain steady temperature levels within free to set boundaries.

Relative Humidity 
Connect humidity sensors to the BRAVO TOUCH so you can monitor and control in-house humidity. The BRAVO TOUCH will automatically adjust ventilation and/or heating equipment to prevent inhouse moisture levels from rising above acceptable standards.

Adding an ammonia sensor helps the user to monitor the air quality inside the house. With ammonia control active, the BRAVO TOUCH automatically adjusts ventilation to ensure a healthy and non-toxic environment 

Carbon Dioxide
Highly recommended when using any type of gas heaters! The BRAVO TOUCH will automatically use the ventilation equipment available to get rid of this dangerous substance as soon as levels start rising above safety standards. 

Measuring Fans
Install a measuring fan to accurately measure and control the live ventilation rates instead of blindly controlling according calculated values. These don’t take into account any changing influences on the ventilation system in- and outside the building, or the fans’ performance throughout its lifetime. With a measuring fan, the BRAVO TOUCH will continuously adjust ventilation rates according to the exact m3/h needed. Save energy by ventilating exactly as much as is needed.

Air Pressure
Adding an air pressure sensor will allow the BRAVO TOUCH to calculate the optimal air flow and ventilation rates at the animal level. 

Manuals User Manual (4)
Product Options
Product Leaflet
File Device Name Language
BravoTouch-L-ES25010.pdf BravoTouch Spanish
BravoTouch-L-EN25010.pdf BravoTouch English