The NVR-1 controls the ventilation valves or curtains on the basis of pre-set temperatures. If the temperature in the house drops below the pre-set value, the controller will cause the valves or curtains to close further. An increase in temperature will have the opposite result. You can use the ‘delay button’ to enable the climate to adjust to the new situation. A sudden drop in temperature by 2°C or more (as may occur with inclement weather) will cause the ventilation valve or curtain to be closed at an accelerated pace.
The right balance between ventilation and heating is necessary in houses with natural ventilation that also have heating installed. You can use the rotary knobs to set the required temperature, minimum and maximum ventilation, the bandwidth and the neutral zone. These functions ensure that a certain degree of ventilation is present at all times and prevent the house from being heated while ventilation is being increased. This makes the NVR-1P an effi cient and economic ventilation control unit.